The Mystery Of "The World’s Thinnest City" "Cheat Your Way Trim!" This is The Eat The Fat Off "Cheat Meals Are Mandatory" Plan that helps you feel free from any guilt the next time you want to splurge… And enjoy your favorite foods… even desserts… And know for a fact you're still right on the plan to lose even more weight! Laurel raved about this simple, 10-page "Freedom Guide", as she calls it, saying: "Okay, I have to admit that I ordered Eat The Fat Off because I felt I had to. It's the only diet plan that made sense to me. However, I really hate dieting. So the Cheat Your Way Trim bonus really sealed the deal for me. It's like a freedom guide - I know I'm only a few hours away from anything I want, and that keeps me on track. Thanks, John!"